When I was younger, I was sort of confused on what different types of shoes were called. I knew flat shoes were flat and heeled shoes had a heel. But getting into the names of everything was a little much for me. Oh, how things have changed.
Footwear in itself is so impactful that it can make or break our outfits. The easiest route is to choose simple classic pieces, in neutral colors. That way you won’t break the bank, and you can still be stylish. Since we are in the summer season, let’s look at five basic types of summer shoes you should have in your closet.

Flats are a lifesaver for me. Especially ballet flats. They are the perfect shoes to slip on and wear with a nice casual outfit or with a nice dress. They are extremely comfortable and if you have a little padding inside, you can wear them on a walk in the town. I would go as far to say that flats are probably one of the top three types of shoes that I would wear consistently.

Sneakers are just great. They are classic and they are practical. My favorite sneakers are more of the athletic ones, like a pair from Nike. Some people call them running shoes, but you can totally wear them as a fashion piece. For a more neutral and dressier look, wearing plain white sneakers are the best.

Sandals are amazing. I love using this as a summer piece, because if a pair of flats just don’t go right with a certain summer outfit, sandals definitely will. It depends on your preference, but you can have flat sandals or heeled sandals. Both will do equally well! I love T-Strap sandals for flat sandals. For the heeled version, I prefer wearing a strappy blocked heel.

Slides are my thing—for the simple reason that they are easy and comfortable. Athletic slides are my favorite. Whether they are from Nike, Adidas or Puma, one of these should definitely be in your closet. You could also take the approach of wearing more fashionable slide sandals, or dare I say slip on sneakers.

These heels are classic, stylish and professional. You can wear them closed toe or opened toe. I personally like closed toe because I’m always afraid that something will hit my poor toes. In terms of height, because I’m petite, I like the mid heel height which would be about 3 inches. But you can have shorter, which are usually called kitten heels or if you’re brave you can wear stilettos. For the sake of my health and according to studies that have been done, I wouldn’t go taller than mid heel height.
That’s all I have for you ladies! I hope that was helpful. :)