Style can be a confusing subject for a lot of people. I mean what’s the difference between what’s stylish and what’s trendy? Does stylish and fashionable mean different things? Let’s cut to the chase. What we all want in the long run, is to find our style. A style that lasts and works for us specifically.
Style is pretty much having something that works for you that is classic, sustainable, and flattering. Your style takes time to find and after great intentionality you will find it. Trust me. Style isn’t cookie-cutter either. It can be creative and predictable at the same time. I’m going to share with you five tips on how to find your style. Tips that I personally use.
Know your body shape
It’s firstly important to find out what your body shape is. One of the easiest ways to do this is to google it. There are about five overall body shapes and your shape is determined on your body measurements. The two most common shapes are apple and pear. I’m personally a pear shape, so this will help me in understanding what clothes to get.
Figure out your color scheme
It is also important to know what colors look best on you. Neutral colors can work for everyone, but maybe not the same shade works for everyone. For example, cream looks better on me than white. White can make me look really pale. But when I wear a off-white, more creamy/ivory color, then it looks good. Finding what colors look best on you would be determined by your skin tone mostly. So you would have to find out your skin tone, whether it is cool or warm.

Define your style personality
The other question is this—what do you want your clothes to say about you? Do you want to appear organized and put together? Or you do want to show a relaxing side? Maybe both? Interestingly, clothes say a lot about you to others. Knowing this, we could use clothes to our advantage to showcase our personality. The individuality of your clothes can be a fun aspect of dressing. For example, I like more conservative looks like crewneck tops and a tee with sleeves—because it makes me feel sharper.
Make sure you buy the right "fit"
Knowing your “fit” is usually connected to your body shape. But it is also connected to your height. Fit refers to how a clothing item falls on your body. For example, because I’m a pear-shaped individual, I feel that an A-line or fit-and-flare dress looks best on me. That way the top fits my small shoulders, and the A-line bottom gives room for my hips. Another example is, I need jeans to have some sort of stretch to wear them. So I have to look for jeans that are not 100% cotton, but have some elastane or some other stretchy fabric inside.
Keep an inspiration board on Pinterest
Another important thing to do in trying to define your style is—notice the people who wear styles that you like. When you see someone famous, a blogger, or someone in your life, where you think “I want to emulate that style,” or “They have my body type and I like the way they dress” – take note. Keep a board on Pinterest of different outfits that you’ve seen that work (in consideration with the list above). It’s always a good place to start if you aren’t sure what your style is. Over time, you will become a pro.
It can be complicated at first to figure this out. But if you follow these five tips, you will be able to transform your style within a year. It takes time to invest in classic pieces. It doesn’t need to be pricey, it’s just all about what fits you best for your body and personality. Have fun!